Saturday, July 27, 2024
Tero Foundation Tero Foundation : Project 2025

Concept of Our Project 2025 India is to adopt several villages for their Holistic Development and Growth. We plan to adopt 500 villages of Gujarat State.

Adopt a Student Program (ASP-I) (in Detail)


1) Area Of The Project

Under this Project, we will adopt students from low income groups and weaker sections residing in slum, urban, rural and tribal areas of Gujarat at present.

2) The Term “Students”

The term “Students” hereby describes that any normal as well as deaf, dumb, blind, mentally and physically challenged boys, girls, men, women from any age group who intend to pursue education (i.e. basic, primary, secondary, higher secondary, degree, technical, industrial, vocational, higher or/and professional education & training..etc.). BUT at present we will emphasize on basic, primary, secondary, higher secondary and vocational education (about upto 17 years of age)

3) The Project

Tero Foundation, USA (a Philanthropic Foundation registered in USA promoted by renowned Businessman of New Jersey Ramanbhai Patel) has partnered with (philanthropic social enterprise initiated by Mr. Bharat Thakkar) to promote and execute this project. This project is initiated for development and spread of education after profound study of needs, requirements, barriers and problems faced by students. Our main motto of this project is to provide quality education right from basic to professional education for the students who cannot pursue or afford education.
While working for the students’ welfare, it is necessary to provide them with better & healthy social atmosphere for their educational and personal growth. Hence we have created two main categories i.e. EDUCATIONAL and SOCIAL in our social welfare mission called as “MISSION SHIKSHIT GUJARAT” or “MISSION SHIKSHIT BHARAT”  which will be conducted all over Gujarat / India. Under this mission apart from education we also cover some other social issues that have ill effects or spoil the entire society directly or indirectly. This will specially cover social issues relating to students or their family members and matters which distract students from education or restrict their growth and development.
Under this social welfare mission we will conduct various educational & social projects, programs, plans, schemes, camps, missions, events, seminars, campaign and other various welfare activities for the development of students. This mission will also work for the welfare of women, girls, children, youth, working children, orphans, curable & incurable disease patients, mentally & physically challenged people, old age people, people living ‘Below Poverty Line’ and all other helpless & homeless people including those who are begging & staying on streets…etc. of all gender and all age groups.
All the above category of people will be genuinely from poor, needy, deprived and deserving families or from weaker sections of the society who are in the need of care and protection specially staying in the slum, urban, rural and tribal areas at every corner of the country.
Our intention is to give them quick and permanent relief without any discrimination. We desire to make their life happy, healthy and free from all the miseries.  Although our main focus is on Eduation.
“ADOPT A STUDENT PROGRAM” is the Part of “MISSION SHIKSHIT GUJARAT”. This program is specially designed to focus & resolve the educational issues faced by students from low income families, especially issues that distract them from their study and restrict their growth and development.

4) Introduction To The Project

Under this “ADOPT A STUDENT PROGRAM”, we are adopting students who cannot pursue or/and afford education because of their weak financial condition as they belong to low income families. Under this Project, we will strive to provide free education to these students by taking care of their complete educational and other expenses for entire year. Apart from this, we will also give special care on developing their internal & external skills, improving their mental & physical health, building their confidence & positive attitude. We will emphasize on developing moral values as we believe they are the future of strong India thereby creating healthy & responsible citizen of them. For overall growth of the students we will cover all important aspects that affect students and their families directly or indirectly, especially aspects that are the root cause to distract students from their education or restrict their growth and development.

5) Profound Study, Research, Surveys And Discussions

We have conducted profound study, research, surveys, meetings and discussions with several students from various schools and colleges to study their needs, requirement, problems or barriers obstructing their education to make this project practical and genuine. We strongly realized that there are 11 major segments that affect students and their families directly or indirectly that are the root cause to distract students from their education or restrict their growth and development. To fulfill the aim and objectives of achieving long lasting change, we have divided this program into these 11 segments to focus and highlight each of the segments personally. It is said that ‘Healthy Mind Stays in Healthy Body and Healthy Atmosphere’ so while focusing on students education, all these 11 segments need to be given equal importance & must be covered 100% for overall growth and development of students as they strongly affect and influence them.

6) Segments of the Program


During our surveys we have observed that most of the students discontinue their education because of lack of financial support as their families belong to economically weaker sections of the society. Poverty and Hunger are the curse to the families from weaker sections of the society. So generally parents force their children to work & earn for their family which is one of the cause which drags student away from their education.
Providing Free Educational Helps:- We are striving for welfare and education of very needy and deserving students from low income families. We intend to help students who are studying from Jr. KG to Degree level as well as those who intend to go for higher and professional education. We will also encourage students who have already discontinued or/and cannot continue with their study in future just because of their weak financial conditions. We have formed different types of scholarships namely School joining incentive, stipends, passing rewards, merit basis scholarships, need based scholarships and higher studies support scholarships. This simply says, we will help these students by providing them all kinds of educational help with total responsibility of their educational expenses for entire year including expenses made for stationary, books, bags, other educational material, uniforms and transportation from home to school and vice versa etc.
Impact:- This will help these students to continue with their education and get a chance to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. So lack of financial support or weak financial condition will not be a barrier in their education.


Usually many of the students suffer from various health problems that they are not even aware of, until the health problem turns into serious medical problem. In such cases the disease may cause a barrier to their health, education and career.
Detect and Cure Medical & Health Issues:-Under this segment we will provide medical help to students who belong to low income families who don’t even get basic medical facilities or periodic medical checkups. We will help these students by providing them all kinds of medical help with total responsibility of their medical expenses for the entire year. We will also provide them proper diet plan and health tips from expert doctors or dietician and we will provide them healthy & nutritional food accordingly. We will arrange health & medical checkup camps by expert doctors to locate any serious medical & health problem for which we will take care of the entire medical expenses till the disease is cured. Accordingly, free medicines and healthcare shall be provided to students. Various social awareness camps, health & medical awareness programs, adult education camps and seminars will be arranged. We will provide special handicapped equipment and medical care to the students who are deaf, dumb, blind and mentally or physically challenged as per their physical deficiency.
Impact:- This will save the students from developing chronic diseases and help them to lead a healthy life and achieve their educational growth .


We find that most of the students from the weaker sections of the society have very small home with several family members staying together or they have very noisy surroundings….etc, hence they lack basic infrastructure and educational facilities.
Make the Way of Education Smooth & Easy:-Under this segment we will provide basic facilities and necessities to the students. These basic facilities and necessities will include study room facilities, reading rooms, library, free book banks, concentrative environment and other basic facilities as per requirement of the students.
Impact:- These facilities will make their way of achieving educational growth smooth and easy.


It is difficult for students to focus on their education in unfavorable and unhealthy family atmosphere. Most of the times, students from economically weaker families face several family issues that disturb their mind. They generally face issues like family members quarrelling, alcoholic member in the family, handicapped member or someone suffering from incurable disease etc.
To provide them Healthy Family Atmosphere:-We need to provide them a favorable, healthy, social and family atmosphere that will be supportive to their educational growth and studies.
To provide healthy social and family atmosphere, we will contact family members of the student and try to resolve their issues.
Impact:- This will help students to have healthy social and family atmosphere to continue their studies.


Now days because of busy work schedule, parents cannot concentrate on their children and give enough time to help in their studies. So parents have to send their children to private tutors where yearly fee is usually not affordable. Most of the students, who cannot join such kind of private tutors try to study at home but generally cannot get satisfactory results, just because of lack of proper guidance on that subject.
Free Educational Coaching On Important Subjects:- Under this segment we are going to provide ‘Education Guidance Centre Facility’ to every student who needs special education guidance for important subjects with personal focus. Expert teachers, graduates and professionals will be appointed to teach these students for excellent results.
Impact:- This segment will provide excellent education guidance to every deserving student.


Lack of motivation and inspiration as well as lack of proper guidance and support from the families and teachers of the students may cause students to divert from the right path which may cause mental stress or depression.
Positive Attitude & Confidence Building To Face Challenges:- We will arrange motivational & inspirational seminars where successful people from various fields like celebrities, social workers, ministers, businessman, corporate people and other well-known people & professionals will come and motivate the students by their struggle and success stories. Under this segment we will also publish magazine wherein success stories of the above people will be published. We will help these students to change their point of view towards their life by getting them in touch with successful people and their success stories. We want to induce a fighting spirit in the students which will reduce cases of suicide among them.
Impact:- This will give inspiration to students and help them to have positive outlook towards the life and change their way of thinking. This will also help students to be positive and stay away from stress or depression.


We generally see that students from weaker sections of the society are not strong enough for facing corporate challenges due to lack of self-confidence, poor communication skills in English and computer education etc.
Internal& External Skills Development:-Purpose of organizing this segment is meant to make students strong enough for facing corporate challenges. We will provide them professional courses & training programs for their skill development i.e. personality development, communication skills in English, mind development, building positive attitude, computer education…etc or other related courses. All such courses will be provided by private organizations as well as by various departments & ministries of state and central government of India i.e. khadi and village Industries commission (KVIC), Ministry of micro, small & medium enterprises (MSME), directorate of human resource development (HRD) and government polytechnic (GP)…….etc and others. To conduct this training program we will call expert trainers and professional people in the industry who will give valuable guidance and practical training to the students.
Impact:- This segment will help these students to develop their internal and external skills which will make them strong enough to face competitions and challenges of the corporate world and be successful in their life.


Many of the times, we see that students have talent but don’t get proper opportunities or platform to develop & present their skills.
To Enhance Their Skills:-We are going to help students by giving focus on development of various physical, mental and internal skills. Under this segment we are going to organize various competitions for sports, arts, drawing, essay writing, elocution, English speaking test, dance, singing and cultural programs. We will also organize various camps, events, shows, gatherings, scholarship exams, talent hunt exams, other all educational & social activities, plays & dramas, meetings, seminars, stalls, book distribution camps …etc. in schools and colleges. We will also give focus on National & International games.
Impact:- This segment will help these students to give a platform where they can prove their talent in front of the world thereby enhancing their skills and developing their strength.


We see that most of the students from weaker section of the society are unaware of various social issues around them and get trapped or attracted to various anti-social elements like drug addictions, gambling…etc. They have no realization about their rights, duties and responsibilities to the society and the country.
To Make Them Aware on Various Social Issues:-We will run this segment especially for awareness of students by making them realize their rights, responsibilities & duties towards the country. We also strive to get them away from all kinds of addictions and make them an asset for the society and their family. Under this segment we will highlight & focus the social issues, subjects and problems which are creating harmful effects on the society. We will make awareness on following subjects i.e. cancer, bad effects of smoking, ghutka & tobacco, aids, global warming & tree plantation, pollution, saving water & electricity, how to deal with students stress, anti- dowry and non-violence systems for women, stopping female feticide, women atrocity, child labor, poverty, hunger, illiteracy and misbelieves, follow traffic rules & regulation, why to avoid use of leather and plastic bags…etc. Under this segment we will be publishing some magazines with articles of principals and teachers, ministers, celebrities, social workers, businessman, corporate level & other well-known people from various fields & sectors. These articles will contain valuable thoughts related to student’s welfare, growth, development, love and respect for their parents & nation.
We also plan to show recorded interviews of the above known personalities to the students as well as broadcast their interviews on T.V. and radio channels to convey their valuable thoughts. In these magazines we will also publish stories of unsung national heroes and legends that will make students realize the value of the independence and importance of being a responsible citizen. Very professional people from media & mass communication industry will be taking care of this project. This segment will help these students to develop the ‘proud feeling’ for our nation.
Impact:- This segment will help us to keep these students away from various anti-social elements like drug addictions, gambling…etc. This segment will also help these students to realize their rights, responsibilities & duties towards the country and to make them a responsible citizen and a strong future of India.


Many of the students are not capable or they are confused to choose the right career at right time. This may lead them to take a wrong decision for their career. We all know that every individual person has different qualities, natural talent, likes and dislikes. If these qualities are not given proper guidance and space to grow, the person will not be able to show his true abilities or fully utilize his potential and may end up being a failure in life.
To Make Right Career Decisions:- We will help these students to choose their right and perfect career option considering their place of interest by providing free advice, discussion and consultation from expert & professional people in the industry. Various career counseling programs, sessions, classes, seminars, workshops and campaigns shall be arranged to bring basic awareness regarding career options in the minds of children.
Impact:-This segment will help students to select the right career option by giving them a clear vision.


Parents play an important role in the development & the education of the child. Sometimes parents fail to understand the child’s view or place of interest and influence or force their children to select a wrong career option which may result in their repentance for their career decisions.
Guide Parent to Be Supportive To Their Students:-We will arrange parents’ seminars & training program for encouraging the parents to give quality time to their children. This will help them maintaining a healthy relationship and proper communication with their children for cultivating their thoughts. Healthy communication between parents and children will give a better chance for the child to have a bright future and develop proper intelligence. This will help the parents to understand the thinking pattern of their children which will help them develop emotionally and also judge their career interests. In this way parents will be able to keep their children on the right path and thereby keeping them away from depression & suicidal tendencies.
To maintain good communication with children, parents need to have proper knowledge of communication skills. Parents should also keep themselves updated of current changes in technology so that they are alert in case their children are misusing the technology.
Under this segment we will specially guide parents to understand the child’s view and place of interest for their better growth, opportunities and career options for their children. Every student must be given freedom to choose his desired career option. But generally by the influence or force of their parents children select a wrong career option which may result in their repentance for their career decisions. We will also guide them in other useful & important matters relating to admissions, educational & financial helps for their children through NGOs, banks, Insurance Institution’s, child education polices, children health policies…etc.
We will also arrange programs for personality development, communication skills, various debates, discussion and awareness sessions for parents. We will assign certified professionals & experts for these projects who can counsel the parents in proper & effective way.
Impact:- This segment will help Parents and students to bridge the communication gap and increase faith & love among them.


We will organise ‘Students and Parents Guidance and Information Seminar’ which will be TOTALLY FREE OF COST for all students and parents. Under this seminar we will focus on various educational, social and family issues that have ill effects or spoil the entire society and also distract students from education or restrict their growth and development directly or indirectly. In this seminar Information about our various educational and social projects those are beneficial to the students and their families will also be provided to the students and parents.
It is said that “IF YOU GIVE ANYTHING FOR FREE OR WITHOUT ANY EFFORTS IT IS ALWAYS TAKEN FOR GRANTED”. Of course all helps, assistance and facilities provided to the students will be FREE OF COST. They will not be charged anything directly or indirectly in return of the helps, assistance and facilities provided by Tero Foundation &
So in this Seminar we will put a small condition to the parents and appeal all parents with kind request to get involved with us in active social work so that we can locate and help other needy people like them. We believe that being part of the society, people must support us in our social cause by at least ‘Donating Their Time and Knowledge’, because one can be poor in terms of money or wealth but he can never be poor in terms of ‘Giving Efforts or Time’.
While working for the students’ welfare, it is necessary to provide them with better & healthy social atmosphere for their educational and personal growth. So in our seminar we give special focus and emphasis on this topic of involving parents and students in active social work. Because without their active involvement we can never work successfully on above educational and social issues that have ill effects or spoil the entire society directly or indirectly. These social issues are relating to students or their family members and matters which distract students from education or restrict their growth and development.
We also have a plan to involve every beneficiary in the process of our social welfare Mission as a volunteer. We will discuss this plan in next version of this document.
The local people are likely to get involved with genuine sincerity since it involves the welfare of their own people living in their residential area. Thus, we’ll get more helping hands from the community itself, thus getting effective delivery of results.

8) Practical Costing of the Project

If we want our project to give 100% result and long lasting change, we want that to be very practical and genuine. We have conducted profound study, research, surveys, meetings and discussions with several students from various schools and colleges to study their needs, requirement, problems or barriers obstructing their education to make this project practical and genuine. Considering the above fact, we also need to have practical cost statement for the help and assistance that we are providing to these students. So we have conducted market survey to know the actual cost of the things required. Hence we quote the LOWEST & RESONABLE cost without compromising the QUALITY of the things.

9) Personal Visits & Documentation For Choosing Genuine Beneficiaries

We take special care while choosing genuine beneficiary. As per our protocol every beneficiary must come with Reference Letter from our officer who knows the beneficiary well and has made personal visit to beneficiary’s home for checking his financial conditions and other required things for the help. We consider documents that are issued to the beneficiary only by the Government those are related to his financial conditions, education, medical treatments, disabilities..etc.

10) Some Action Plans

[A] Donation
Donors can adopt a child’s education and make yearly donations to cover the expenses of a child. Donors are matched with a student and will receive the child's details with a photo, followed by periodic progress reports of the child each term. Yearly donations can be made between January and March either online or through check, bank draft or cash.
Tero Foundation’s scholarships/sponsorships are entirely need-based.
There are four options available to a donor:

  1. Full educational support (Rs.30,000 / $500 / £300 per year) covers tuition, books, note-books, nutritional health supplement, noon-meal, transport and uniform.
  2. Scholarship program (Rs.15,000 / $250 / £150 per year) which covers tuition, books, note-books and health supplement.
  3. Transport Subsidy (Rs.7,500 / $125 / £80 per year)
  4. Noon-meal Subsidy (Rs. 7,500 / $125 / £80 per year)

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