Concept of Our Project 2025 India is to adopt several villages for their Holistic Development and Growth. We plan to adopt 500 villages of Gujarat State.
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The future of India depends upon the quality of education imparted to our children. We have more than 51,000 Schools in the state of Gujarat. We believe that it is the joint responsibility of the Government and citizens to improve our school education, to provide incentives like mid-day meals, improve school infrastructure including state of the art information technology to all the Government schools or other schools in our state.
Over 90% of the budget for School Education in Gujarat is spent on salaries to Government primary and secondary school teachers and as grant-in-aid to aided institutions, leaving very little for development of infrastructure in government schools. There are an estimated 2.5 million children who are not enrolled or dropped out from schools and, even as efforts are being made to bring them to school, the need for additional resources has been growing rapidly.
Our approach is to transforming school education in Gujarat by the active involvement of donors, non-government organizations and corporate sectors through our “ADOPT A SCHOOL PROGRAM” under “MISSION SHIKSHIT GUJARAT”, which we are planning to launch at the beginning of the year 2016.
Under this program the donors can select any school and prepare a ‘program of action’ for a specific period for the all-round development of the school or select specific areas of intervention aimed at improving the educational system of the school. Tero Foundation and will help them in implementation of the action plan. The following is a suggestive list of priority actions that can be considered by potential donors under the “ADOPT A SCHOOL PROGRAM”:
Constitute the activities mentioned below. Your contributions will be used to build India’s Children-India’s future in schools in the area of
We earnestly request you to make quality school education a reality in India. If you would like to Adopt-a-School, please contact us by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will help match you with a school profile.
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