Key Highlights
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Key High Lights
Here is what and how we try to develop in an adopted village. These Key Highlights throws a little but strong light on it.
Personal Development : Moral Values, hygienic behaviour, daily exercises, free from alcoholism, dignity of labour and promoting volunteerism, respect for women
Human Development : universal access to health, balanced sex ratio, no malnutrition, universal primary education and retention of all until class X, smart school : IT enabled class rooms, e-Libraries, e literacy
Social development : Volunteerism, honouring village elders, village freedom fighters, violence and crime free village, integrating socially excluded groups.
Economic development : agriculture, dairy and livestock, organic farming, soil health cards, micro-irrigation, rural industrialization, post harvesting technology, food processing, village, Agri & eco-tourism
Environment sustainability : tree plantation, rainwater harvesting, watershed development, Renewable Energy, toilet in each household
Basic Amenities : piped clean drinking water, road connectivity to main road, clean village, toilet in every house, electric connection to all homes with 24/7 power, broad band connectivity, mini-bank with ATM
Social Security : Pensions for all eligible families- old age, disability and widow, Insurance schemes like Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana & Health insurance- RSBY
Good Governance : e-governance, online certificates, election by consensus